sk+421 911 636 801

Hand loom for weaving are made of wood and metal. They are easily transportable and disassemblable. Basic construction of the types varies only in width and number of pedals. One part of loom is also replacable warp, which is from 25m long.

We also offer loom operated by arms only. Loom in basic version allow weaving of canvas binding and in four-pedal version also other, more complex textil bindings.

We can design and make a loom according to your specific demands (for example with high-speed shuttle, leaf machine, two or more-warped loom with removing of tissue, gauze loom, loom for weaving persian carpets and gobelins).

We are able to provide many instruments for weaving – shuttle, weft carrier, material for weaving. Our loom for weaving are capable for creative and consumer textile manufacture. Working with them is simple and also layman can weave withou problems by the system „Sit and weave“. Versatility can be found by artists, craftsmen and also basic schools for hand works subjects, art schools and others. You can made with them simple carpets with canvas binding, various types of hardened canvas, twill, dress materials, table clothes.